Slide-a-Note musical slide rule helps you to learn to read piano sheet music with bass and treble clefs. Shows the 90° correlation between the musical staff and the piano keyboard. Moving to the right on the keyboard is higher on the staff and vice versa. The primary benefit of using the Slide-a-Note is as a way to test your knowledge of the notes. The names of the notes on the keyboard and the staff are purposely left off, to encourage the student to learn them. Slide-a-Note has been in production since 1975. In 2012, Sound Feelings Publishing purchased the rights to manufacture and sell the “Slide-a-Note” brand from New Vision Educational Products.
- Instantly see correlation between staff and piano keyboard
- Helps you check if your are reading correctly
- Learn staff lines and spaces along with ledger lines and spaces
- Helps with sight-reading
- Helps with sight-singing
- Helps you learn how to read notes
- Perfect for beginners
- Perfect for self-teaching approach
Name: Slide-A-Note
Catalog #: 96017
Dimensions: 5.25 x 8.25 inches
Construction: heavy white card stock with clear plastic slider
Year Created: 1975
Manufacturer: Sound Feelings Publishing
Made in USA
Price: $6.95 U.S. Dollars
Former item #123, Item #122, SAN 110a and 110b, Site-Read Music Company. Compare to Wright-Way Music Note Finder / notefinder and Alfred’s Music Note Teacher.